If we are not working to actively maintain and improve our spirituality, it is too easy to slide backwards. However, it can be overwhelming at times to think of everything you can be doing to improve your spirituality. For that reason it is often best to choose just one area to work on at a time. Here are a few ideas, find the one that is right for you.
One great way to improve your spirituality is to read the scriptures daily. If you do not already do this, it is a great habit to develop. You can start out your daily scripture study by just studying one or two chapters a day. The key is to find a time that works well for you. It should be a time when you are awake enough to really pay attention to what you are reading, and a time with few interruptions.
Another great way to focus your spirituality is to improve your personal prayers. This one area that is easy to slip out of the habit of good personal prayers. Even if you continue to pray every day, it is too easy to begin to repeat yourself in your daily prayers or say rote prayers. Taking time to think about what you are praying for can make a big different. It is also important to allow yourself plenty of time to pray each day.
Another good way to improve your spirituality is to pray that you can have the spirit with you and then look at the things that are distracting you from the spirit. It may mean changing the type of music or radio programs you are listening too. It may mean getting more sleep at night or taking better care of yourself so that you can feel the spirit more easily.
As you focus on just one small area in your life, you will find your spirituality improves. You will also be given the strength to choose a new area to work on. Just remember to do it a little at a time.
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