Already? Yep, this Saturday night (or Sunday morning, technically) at 2:00 a.m. Set your clocks one hour ahead, if your area observes Daylight Savings Time.
We’re changing the time sooner and waiting longer to change it back. Does it really help save energy? Some studies say yes.
I have to wonder. When we “fall back” in the autumn and it’s dark by supper time (the busiest time of day in many homes, especially those filled with families), I see a lot more lights burning as parents prepare dinner and children do homework and TV’s and computers light up. Come spring, it’s darker in the morning and there are now more lights burning in the a.m. It seems like the two would cancel each other out. Government reports indicate that the time change does (somehow) reduce the amount of energy used, by a small amount.
I guess it’s not too much of an inconvenience, although sometimes, I really feel that hour we “lose” (especially when my youngest and I have had very little sleep over the past few days, because she’s very sick).
What do you think about the time change? Good, bad, or are you indifferent?
I still haven’t found out why we’re supposed to make the change at 2:00 a.m. but apparently, it’s been that way for so long, it’s just the way it is. Of course, I just set my clocks before I go to bed, if I retire before 2:00.
Don’t forget to re-set those alarms clocks! And, the microwave, VCR, computer, car clock, cell phone, and any other electronic device that doesn’t automatically adjust to the time change.
Spring Ahead, Fall Back. Easy to remember. Not so easy to get used to sometimes, but perhaps worth it if it does keep people safer (apparently there are fewer accidents involving pedestrians) and if it does save energy.
Do you have any funny stories to share from a time you forgot to set your clocks?