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Spring Beauty Tips

Spring has sprung! The trees are in bloom… and it’s time for you to bloom too. Are you ready to turn your best face towards the sun? These beauty tips can help rejuvenate you all over!

  • Keep your skin soft by reducing the amount of soap you use. Most of the body can get clean with just a rinse; focus your soap on the face, underarms, feet, groin, and rear end. Use a mesh puff to apply soap, rather than the bar itself — the soap will foam more so you can lather up well with less.
  • Always soap up AFTER you have rinsed — especially on your face. Cleanser on dry skin can be irritating. Make sure you wet your face and skin before lathering up. And don’t forget to rinse away all cleanser when you’re done. Leaving it on your skin can also be irritating.
  • When washing your face, you should scrub for at least a minute. Sixty seconds will break down dirt, wipe away pollution, and cleanse makeup residue. Leaving all that gunk on your skin can leave you with clogged pores. Clogged pores can make your skin look dull.
  • Refresh your skin throughout the day with a spray of facial mist, followed by a moisturizer.
  • Apply your skin care products in the right order. Toner first, then any treatment products, then moisturizer, and finally sunscreen. Find a combination sunscreen and moisturizer to speed up your beauty routine AND protect your skin against sun damage.
  • Give your morning moisturizer a few minutes to set before applying makeup. If you apply makeup too quickly, it can soak in with the lotion. Wait three minutes and you’ll see your makeup last longer.

One last trick to protect your skin — move your sun visor to the left when you’re driving. Experts often see women with more damage on the left side, thanks to sun damage from driving. Block some of the sun and protect your face!