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Spring Cleaning: Cleaning and Organizing the Garage

Okay, clutterbugs, you’ve been stashing stuff in the garage all winter long. It’s the easiest way to hide clutter and “stuff” when you’re getting ready for guests to stay or preparing to entertain for the holidays. The problem is it accumulates quickly and now that you want to get in the garage to get the mower or weed-cutter out, or drag out some patio furniture, you find that everything is hidden behind clutter.

Perhaps this isn’t your problem at all but your garage could simply use some TLC. It’s a big job to straighten out the garage enough so that you aren’t tempted to shut the door quickly if a neighbor attempts to peer inside. So, where should you start?

Pick a Corner, any Corner

Just like when you engage in methodical interior cleaning and organizing, it helps to start in one corner and work your way around the space, top to bottom. This way, your efforts will stay targeted instead of becoming haphazard. It’s also a good method because you may not be able to get everything done in one try or in one day. This way, you can leave off and pick back up easily when you have time.

Purge then Surge Ahead

Get rid of junk first to help make cleaning and organizing easier. Get stuff out of your way instead of cleaning around it or having to reorganize later after moving more junk out. Sort through everything. It can be tedious, but it will make more room and less work in the long run.

Use Space Well

For the stuff you need and want, you’ll need to find effective storage solutions. There are great organization products available, but you can also get creative by doing things like re-using plastic containers and coffee cans to store hardware and other small items. You can also use wall space instead of floor space and hang up as many large items as possible. Consider adding some pegboard or lattice to a wall or two, and also check out the many different types of hooks and hangers available at any home improvement center.

*Check back for more tips!

Using Wall Space Instead of Floor Space

Outdoor Storage Options

Cleaning Decks and Driveways