It is important to make sure the medicines we use are not only age/weight appropriate and taken in the proper dosage, but also that they have not lingered past their expiration dates. As you engage in spring cleaning (or even if you have already done your usual spring cleaning routine), you’ll find that this is a good time to sort through all the items that accumulate in your medicine cabinet.
Since the colder months seem to be the time when people are sick more often, many of us collect a variety of medications over those months. Prescriptions as well as over the counter treatments should be disposed of as necessary.
You will also find that creams and other products may lose their proper consistency after sitting for some time. They can also become messy if not properly closed (like the dreaded toothpaste tube with the disappearing cap).
Here is a good step-by-step method for spring cleaning your medicine cabinet:
- Remove everything from the medicine cabinet, placing products into a basket or bin
- Wipe down walls and shelves inside the cabinet
- Review the expiration date on each item, disposing of products as necessary
- Make sure small children or pets cannot get into the trash after medications have been thrown away (some people flush them)
- Write down each item as you dispose of it, so you will have a handy list of what needs to be replaced
- Wipe down remaining items before returning to cabinet
- Clean outside of medicine cabinet
Since people tend to spend more time outdoors as the weather grows milder, that means more scraped knees, insect bites, and allergic reactions, etc. So, this is also a good time to stock up on first aid items such as bandages, antiseptics, antibiotic cream, and other frequently used products such as pain relievers and allergy medicines.