One minute I’m blogging about spring break and the next thing I know Old Man Winter decides to come out of hibernation and dump 14 inches of snow on my neck of the woods.
So, instead of featuring more fun boredom busters I planned to unveil during my kid’s spring break, I’m scrambling to find additional projects to use as snow day fodder.
Here’s what we worked on today:
Bird Feeders: I didn’t have spare pine cones to coat with peanut butter and bird seed, so we used stale bagels instead. If you have a younger child, the bagel works even better than the cone, since you don’t have to worry about little fingers getting pricked by sharp brown edges. Also, the bagels are easier to hang from tree branches. All you have to do is run string or yarn through the bagel’s hole and attach it to the tree. The best part: The birds and squirrels can eat the bagel too, so you don’t have to head back outside to collect sticky pine cones.
Paper Butterflies: Instead of using construction paper as the base for the butterfly, grab some extra coffee filters. Fold a pipe cleaner in half and use it as the body of the butterfly, or you can use a clothespin if need additional space to glue on some googly eyes. Next, paint the coffee filter or simply decorate it with crayons and markers. Finally, slide the coffee filter into the clothespin, or glue it to the pipe cleaner.
Strawberry “Pepperoni” Cookie Pizza
(1) 16-ounce container of refrigerated sugar cookie dough
3/4 cup strawberry or raspberry preserves
Strawberry fruit roll-ups
1/2 cup shredded white chocolate
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Spread cookie dough onto a 12-inch pizza pan
Bake until golden brown.
Remove from oven and let cool completely.
Cut fruit roll-ups into circles so they look like pepperoni.
Spread preserves on baked cookie like pizza sauce, then top with strawberry “pepperoni” slices. Next, sprinkle the entire pizza cookie with shredded white chocolate.
Slice and eat.
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