Welcome back to the flexibility portion of Day 5. On Day 3, we also performed some flexibility exercises. You can certainly repeat that stretching routine if you like or perform the following.
Flexibility exercises will also help tone and firm muscle appearance. Sagging arms, loose thighs and calves, even abdominal muscles can benefit from a good flexibility workout and help you achieve a more fit and trim appearance.
For our flexibility exercises today, you will not need any equipment. Instead, you should be dressed in loose, comfortable clothing. You need to hydrate. Drink plenty of water before, during and after. For each stretch described, you should hold the stretch for roughly 10 to 30 seconds.
As you hold these stretches, you should feel some slight tension that will slowly subside. As it does, you can slowly try to stretch just a small bit farther. Never push yourself to stretch past pain as pain can warn you of impending injury. Instead, only stretch until you feel that slight tension, hold there and as the tension subsides, reach a little bit further.
Rest for about 30 to 60 seconds in between each stretch. We will be doing 3 sets of the following stretches. So once you have completed each stretch once, go back to the beginning and repeat 2 times.
Here we go:
Upper Back Stretch
You will be stretching your upper back. You should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, it’s important they are not locked. Suck in your tummy Clasp your hands in front of you, they should be pointing ahead, palms aimed forward at chest height. Now press forward without bending your knees or back. You should feel the stretch across your upper back. Hold for a count of three and release. Repeat 10 times.
Side Lunges
You are going to work on stretching the hip, calf and inner thigh on both legs. You begin by taking a straddle stance with your legs turned out from your hip joints. You can place your hands on your thighs for stability. Toes should be pointed slightly outwards and your knees should be bent and not locked.
Perform the lunge by bending one knee and straightening the other. Never bend your knee past your ankle. There should be a line from knee to ankle in the lunge. Hold for 3 seconds and then as though swaying slowly perform the maneuver using the other leg.
You will feel tightness along your hip, your opposing calves and inner thighs. Be sure to perform this stretch slowly and deliberately, do not extend yourself past any point of pain, if you feel pain ease back the intensity of the stretch. Perform 10 side lunges to each side for a total of 20.
Trunk Rotations
This works your outer thigh, your hip, your trunk and your lower back. You sit down on the floor, straighten your right leg and bend your left leg. You should cross the left leg over the right leg at the right knee. Keep your left foot planted on the floor. Put your left hand on the floor near your left hip and using your right elbow against the bent knee of your left leg. You will turn your upper body as far as possible by using your left leg and right arm to push against each other.
If you cannot cross your left foot over your right knee, place the left foot directly next to the knee and perform the stretch. You will feel tightening across your lower back, your hips and thighs. Hold the stretch for a 3 count and then switch legs and rotate your trunk to the right side. Perform 10 Trunk Rotations for each side for a total of 20.
That’s it! Repeat these stretches twice more for a 3 total sets and you will complete your flexibility routine for the day. How are you feeling? Were these flexibility exercises easier today than Tuesday? Are you experiencing any muscle fatigue from previous workouts? How about soreness? Measure your progress.