This is the last component you’ll develop and then you’ll have your Action Plan. Dates are part of your workout schedule and meeting your goal planning. If you are someone who needs to have specific dates for your workout, this is when you’re going to schedule them. You may want to workout on alternating days (this is a good method) so you’ll select odd or even dates for your workouts.
Perhaps you want to workout three days a week – so your dates will be set by Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Perhaps you want to work out six days a week in order to build a fat-burning or weight loss program. Then set your program to a Monday through Saturday or Sunday through Friday. You must have at least one day of rest built into your program.
While you can do cardio six days a week, your strength training should be performed on alternating days. You can do leg strength one day and upper body strength the next day. Or you can do strength training three days a week and cardio six days a week.
This is about deciding your dates for your method and your goals. Figure all of this out now, so that by the 31st, you have your action plan in place and you’re ready to begin your Spring Forward to Action on April 2nd.