On Saturday, I asked you to think about your goals and your goal planning so you can build your Action Plan for the Spring Forward 30 Day challenge. Today I want you to consider your method. I will be posting workouts for the month of April, one every day. The workouts will be Cardio, Strength Training and Flexibility. Each workout will be designed around a 30 minute time-frame.
If you prefer to only do cardio, then you can choose to follow the cardio workout portions or do your own. Remember, the point of the action challenge is to get you up and moving. You can do what I post or you can do your own thing. You just have to meet your own goals and time frames.
Here are some methods you might utilize:
- Outdoor Walking
- Outdoor Jogging
- Treadmill
- Bicycling
- Stationary Bike
- Dancing
- Aerobics
- Roller Blading
- Roller Skating
Strength Training:
- Free Weights
- Household Weights
- Machine Weights
- Yoga
- Deep Stretches
- Yoga
It’s important to remember that no matter what methods you try individually or in combination, you’ll need to warm-up so plan for about 10 minutes prior to every workout and five minutes after for proper cool-down. These warm-ups and cool-downs are mandatory. They will help you prevent injury and soreness.
As you plan your method, choose your time of day that you want to workout. The time of day should be as regular as you can make it. If you are going to work out every morning, then plan for morning workouts – the same goes for afternoon and evening. Hang in there, two more components to talk about tomorrow including your accountability and your dates.