It’s time to haul out the lawnmower, clippers and get dirt under our fingernails. So many pretty flowers are showing themselves, and everything is about to burst with bloom. There is a lot of work to be done, and the days are getting longer and longer just to remind us of the nearing summertime…
Homeowners and renters (if they really appreciate their landlords) need to start thinking of all the maintenance and hazard issues for their home as well as their liability risks. If you still have your holiday lights hanging from the eve’s of your house, then you need to get going soon. Enjoying a safe and peaceful summer, depends on what we do during the spring.
The nights are still cold, heaters are in full use and the days have bright sunshine. The little things we do for our home during spring will pay off when we enjoy those late night barbeque’s and beautiful sunsets. Your insurance company also expects that as a homeowner the property and structures will be cared for, maintained and kept up.
The To Do List for this time of the year should include:
- Cleaning the gutters, and checking the roof. If you live where I do this includes removing any moss or whatever has grown on bricks or roofing.
- Remove foundation covers, or open the vents. If you have a sump-pump or basement pump or other “wet” problem do a check-up and routine maintenance for this equipment.
- Check Septic System, sprinklers and any other mechanical equipment located outside of your building.
- Check fences to be sure they are still safe, soundly standing and if they are for security make sure there are no problems.
- Remove any damaged or broken trees, shrubs or yard debris.
- Clean outside windows and check for pests.
- Clean dirt from exterior of home and drive way.
- Check Fire Alarms and replace batteries.
- Service or replace fire extinguishers. Practice a family Fire Safety Plan.
- Safety Check the garage and secure any unsafe situations. Consider the age of any children in the home and secure all dangerous substances and tools.
- Replace or clean furnace filters.
- Service and inspect any air cooling systems.
- Remove any left over holiday lighting or trim.
It’s the time of the year to refresh things and as we do so, it’s one of the best times of the year to consider all of the risks you see as you work on the home and play in the yard. It won’t be long before fire season is in full gear and backyard trampolines and swimming pools are full of children.
It’s the time of the year to clean everything up, and look for the worst case scenarios and plan how to deal with a moment in time we all home we never personally face. Needing insurance because we have suffered a loss.
Photo credit for this blog entry: (standard restrictions for this photo)
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Glossary of Insurance Terms:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J-K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | W-Z Blogs are for informational purposes only. assumes no responsibility for consumer choices. Consumers are reminded that it is their responsibility to research their choices properly and speak to a certified insurance professional prior to making any decision as important as an insurance purchase.