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Stages of Baby Fussiness: The First 12 weeks

Has this every happened to you? Your baby is sleeping through the night, contented all day and then the next day he seems like someone else’s fussy baby? He’s grumpy, clingy, wants to nurse all the time, and you just don’t know what you did wrong?

Don’t worry–it could just be a phase in his development. While this research is not widely circulated, I have to admit that as I read it for the first time it made a lot of sense. While each of my children obviously has their own personalities, there were definitely stages that they went through during their first year that described their personality. In any case, a period of fussiness is not likely to last forever so if you’re in this boat–cheer up! You’re likely to round a corner soon!

(It should be noted that the ages given are not post partum but rather are ages after due date. So in other words if you’re little one was premature. . .you’ll have to adjust the age.)

At 5 weeks. . .

Sensory overload! It’s around this time that baby starts to see well, learns to smile, and is able to hear distinct sounds vs. everything all at once.

His reaction? To cry more and want to be held. Babies at this stage still need to know that all is the same in the world and only mommy definitively prooves that.

It only lasts. . .about a week. Once baby has adjusted to his new found powers of observation, he will return back to his cheerful self!

At 8 weeks. . .

Making Patterns and Connections! Baby discovers that his hands and feet are there and may try to use them. He also may try to use his voice and is starting to discover that you may actually be reacting to him!

His reaction? He wants to know that you’re there to respond to him. So he will cry more to see what you do. Some psychologists think that they are also expressing frustration. (I’m not sure how they decide that!)

It only lasts. . .about 2 weeks.

At 12 weeks. . .

Intuition. . . Interesetingly, we just talked about how very young babies may follow someone’s gaze to see their intentions. Apparently, your little one is gaining intuition. His Reaction? When he senses that all things are not copasetic, you may find him reacting to the stimuli. Have you ever noticed that you can say almost anything to a little baby as long as you maintain that certain tone of voice? Your change in the tone of your voice is his cue that things are not all good and right so try to remember that when you’re reacting to situations!

It only lasts. . .from day up to a week.

Baby psychobabble? Maybe. . .but if you have a newborn, or you kept a good baby book, go back and compare your baby’s “fussy periods” to this chart. I know all of my children have followed this basic pattern to some degree. I am hard pressed as to explain the psychology of it, or to even explain how someone else is able to ascertain what the baby is thinking! But hey, at least you know your baby will eventually “snap out of it”.

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