It is pumpkin season! Time to make seasonal craft centering on the star of October; the pumpkin. This is a great craft for Halloween or just for a fall festivity. My kids had a lot of fun making this craft so I has to share. Get creative and use the same concept to make fall leaves or give your pumpkin a face.
Stained Glass Pumpkins
Supply List:
Yellow and orange tissue paper
1 sheet heavy weight clear self-stick laminating sheet or con-tact paper
1 sheet black construction paper
12″ length of yarn
Suction cup window hanger
Glue stick
How to make it:
Tear tissue paper into strips, then cut or tear into squares.
Peel back half of the backing from the laminating film, leaving the other half still protected. Fold over the backing to keep out of the way.
Place tissue paper squares onto sticky side of laminating film, making about an 8-inch circle. Be sure to alternate colors and keep them close together, overlapping is fine too.
Carefully peel the backing off the other side of the laminating film, then fold that film over onto the exposed tissue paper pieces, sandwiching them between the films. Press out any air bubbles. Trim any overlapping film off.
Fold construction paper in half cut out pumpkin shape. This should yield two identical pumpkins because the construction paper was folded.
Place the construction paper pumpkin onto the tissue paper-decorated film. Trace around the pumpkin with a pen and cut out shape with scissors, trimming the film about ¼” smaller than your tracing.
Fold the yarn in half creating a loop. Use a glue stick to attach the open ends of that yarn onto one of the black paper pumpkin stems. Cover the rest of the pumpkin shape with glue stick.
Place the tissue papered film onto the pumpkin, pressing down to secure, then run a glue stick around the second pumpkin shape and press down on top.