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Standing for What We Believe

With the advent of HBO’s latest effort, “Big Love” many conversations are taking place around the water cooler, gardens, living rooms and parks of Latter-day saint society. With the topic came conversation revolving around standing for what we believe in and how to do it. It was not long ago that our beloved prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, addressed this very thing. I quote, “Let our voices be heard. I hope they will not be shrill voices, but I hope we shall speak with such conviction that those to whom we speak shall know of the strength of our feeling and the sincerity of our effort. Remarkable consequences often flow from a well-written letter and a postage stamp. Remarkable results come of quiet conversation with those who carry heavy responsibilities. . .The tide of evil flows. Today it has become a veritable flood. Most of us, living somewhat sheltered lives, have little idea of the vast dimensions of it. Billions of dollars are involved for those who pour out pornography, for those who peddle lasciviousness, for those who deal in perversion, in sex and violence. God give us the strength, the wisdom, the faith, the courage as citizens to stand in opposition to these and to let our voices be heard in defense of those virtues which, when practiced in the past, made men and nations strong, and which, when neglected, brought them to decay. God lives. He is our strength and our helper. As we strive, we shall discover that legions of good men and women will join with us. Let us begin now.” President Gordon B. Hinckley, In Opposition to Evil, Ensign September 2004

There are many things we can do to let our thoughts and opinions be known to the world. Letters, emails, phone calls, visits all can be done in tasteful but firm manners which literally bring about change. Remember The Book of Daniel, the short-lived series on television which had a drug-addicted Episcopalian priest, homosexual sister and son, and so on, who carried on flippant conversations with our Savior. Hundreds of thousands of people wrote the network, sponsors were boycotted and within weeks the show was pulled from the network’s schedule. The network states low ratings as the reason, which I’m sure played a part, but there is no doubt action affected change. This is how change is brought about.

In the case of “Big Love”, HBO is the producer of this show, this is the action which can be taken, if you so desire. I have already written the president of HBO to express my displeasure regarding the airing of “Big Love”. But you can also write HBO about it by clicking here Email HBO and letting your voice be heard.