It is about time I reveal the fat behind the blog. Well, I have made no secret about struggling with weight for quite some time. I gained quite a bit of weight after my last child and it must like its new home because it isn’t budging. I, however, have made plans to evict it once and for all. I know how to lose weight. I know what prevents me from just getting up and working out. I have the answers and the solutions so isn’t it silly I hold on to them while gaining more weight?
I struggled with the thought of taking a before picture and actually putting it up for the world to see. I am not happy my weight. It honestly prevents me from feeling confident in social settings. I have a friend coming over who has not seen me since I was thin. The 30 to 40 pounds I have gained is surely going to look like more than 100 pounds to her. She has not had the benefit from seeing me gradually become overweight. It made me almost cancel the visit. I have a friend who I joke that I will visit once I lose weight. I am only partly joking. Isn’t that pathetic? I used to be the girl that was “too thin” and now I am considered obese. I know, that is all vanity but I am just being real. Through a knee injury, ankle injury, and inconsistent dieting, the result is a very unhappy and overweight person. I can either sit here pretending it doesn’t exist while getting ready to buy the next size up in jeans or make a real change and get ready to buy jeans a size down. I prefer the latter.
With all the insanity over the Insanity workout from friends I know, I decided not to give that a chance. Not now. Not yet. That would be insane. I am starting out with something that is intense though; Jillian Micheals: Ripped in 30. It is the updated 30 Day Shred. I have heard nothing but good things about the results while hearing nothing but stories of torture by those doing it. That is always a good sign of an effective program. Since I am terrible at starting something, I decided to drag all of you along with me. I will begin this crazy journey on Monday. Yes, Monday. I know…even I wrote about the Monday Dieter. But, Monday will be the day since this weekend is unusually crazy. So join me, as I take you on my journey. The DVD says you can lose 20 pounds in 30 days. I highly doubt that but I will give it my all.