Periodically, I try to share marketing ideas or suggestions for ways to get the word out about your small business. There are some tried and true methods that still work, even though they may not be as “popular” as they once were—one of those is the use of statement stuffers. Statement stuffers are little brochures, postcards, or flyers that get put into monthly billing statements. Perhaps when you open your credit card or utility bill, you notice that there are other little slick pieces of paper in there too? Those are often statement stuffers.
This can be an affordable way to advertise or cast the net wider for prospects for a small business because you don’t have to do all the work yourself. You have the flyers or brochures printed and then the “company” takes care of the stuffing. Of course, all of this is done for a price—but you may be able to work out some cooperative marketing arrangements with another company so that your flyers can be included in their statements. Some companies advertise their “statement stuffer” rates and others only do it on a case by case basis. If you know of a company that sends out monthly statements that would be a good partner for you—someone who works with the very market you are trying to attract, it might be worth your while to contact them and make a proposal.
Keep in mind that the quality of your advertising flyers should be good. It may be more cost-effective to have a large number printed to use in various types of advertising promotions, including as statement stuffers—or, some businesses design their main promotional materials piece to be able to fit in an envelope as well as work as a stand-alone piece. This may take a little more planning, but can save you money in the long run.
Also: E-mail Marketing–Make Sure You Let People Opt Out
Choosing the Right Words to Use in Your Marketing