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Stay-at-Home Moms More Likely to Divorce?

MomI heard something interesting on the John Tesh radio show the other day.  He said that a study found there was a higher chance of divorce when moms stay home with the kids and dads work.

He actually said it was fact.  Now, I was not able to verify the findings of this.  I didn’t spend a whole lot of time researching but the little bit I did…well, I didn’t find this study he was apparently referring to.

I have quite a bit of apprehension about this.  Maybe I’m just partial since I was a stay-at-home mom.  But one of the things he mentioned is that divorce was more likely because women didn’t feel as satisfied compared to working women.

What doesn’t make sense is the fact that in today’s world it is very difficult to be a stay-at-home mom.  Our economy doesn’t allow for this, so when a mom decides to do it, it’s usually a choice she and her husband have made.

I know that was true for us.  Sure, we had to cut corners.  We didn’t buy the big house or drive brand new cars.  We definitely had to make sacrifices but it was a decision we made together.

If a stay-at-home mom ever feels unsatisfied with being that, she can easily make the choice to work.  Of course, there might be some situations where the husband insists the woman stays at home and that might be different.  But in the majority of cases, this is very unlikely.

The other thing I didn’t agree with is the suggestion that being a stay-at-home mom isn’t satisfying to women.  It wasn’t always easy and no, you don’t usually get recognition for it but both my husband and I agree that we wouldn’t have had it any other way.

It is very satisfying to be able to stay home with your children.  And I can’t imagine my children regret it.

Bottom line, mine are now teenagers.  We have one who is already out of the house.  My husband and I have been married more than 21 years.

I know many other moms who stayed home with their children and are still married for the same amount of time I have been.   So I’m not sure how much weight there is to this “study.”

I can tell you this; a marriage will be much stronger if both can agree on what is best for the family.  Whether that means mom stays home and dad works, dad stays home and mom works or they both work.

What do you think about this?

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.