While in some areas of the country the heat is beginning to die down, parts of the nation are still experiencing a heat wave. My local forecast predicts 106 today, and many other areas are still enduring sweltering heat.
We discussed the main points of staying safe and helping others during a heat wave, but there are also a few tips to help you remain more comfortable. In extreme heat, or a combination of high temperatures and high humidity, your air conditioning might not be able to keep up. This is true for many homeowners, even those with central air conditioning units that are normally sufficient. It is especially true for those in typically mild climates that have only window units or heat pumps.
To help make it easier on your system, cover windows that allow direct sunlight in. Avoid using the oven or running the dryer. Cook with your microwave, toaster oven, or crock pot in order to create less heat. Wait until the sun goes down to dry clothing. You may also want to purchase additional fans to place near air vents, to better circulate the cool air.
If your regular air conditioner simply cannot keep up with extreme temperatures during a heat wave, you might want to consider purchasing an additional window unit. Place it in the main space of the home, a living room or family room, where the most people spend the most time.
Even if your air can’t keep up, it is probably still at least 20-30 degrees cooler than it is outside. However, it may still reach 85 or 90 degrees inside, and you may be perspiring and feeling less than comfortable. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help avoid dehydration. It is imperative to make sure small children and the elderly get plenty of liquids. Eating cold foods including fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water, such as cucumbers and watermelon, is also a good idea.
Take a cool (not cold) shower and leave your hair wet. Splash cool water on your face and apply cool compresses to the back of your neck. Wear light clothing and stay close to fans or air vents when possible.
Hopefully, temperatures will be back to normal soon, but in the mean time if you have any hot weather tips, please feel free to share!