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Staying Connected With Your Spouse

When it comes to holding your family together, it is important to realize that your marriage is the foundation of your family. It is important to constantly work at this relationship. As you nurture it, you will be able to reach out to your children better, and work as a team to achieve your goals as a family. One of the most common problems that couples face is that they stop feeling connected with each other.

One of the ways that you can continue to feel connected to your spouse is to continue to date. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time together. However, you should consider whether or not the dates are helping you to stay connected. For example, if you go to a movie you may not spend time talking together. Choose activities that allow you to continue to work on your relationship together.

Planning together will also help you to stay connected with each other. As you plan you should talk about immediate family needs, and long-term goals. This will help you to keep perspective on the problems you may be facing now, as well as where you want to end up being.

Another great way to help you to stay connected with your spouse is to find quiet ways to serve each other. This helps the feelings you may have towards each other stay focused on positive aspects rather than negative ones. It also helps you to see your spouse in a new light.

Finally, you should work on growing spiritually together. You should spend time studying the gospel and praying together every day. This allows you to feel the spirit together. It also makes the gospel an important part of your relationship. You can also take the time to go to the temple on a regular basis. This will help you to keep the eternal perspective in mind.

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