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Staying Motivated on a Weekend

For many of us home business owners, our work lives are not divided up by week days and weekends. Nor do we have set business hours where we work straight through for 8 consecutive hours. While this flexibility can be fabulous, it can also create some motivation problems. I don’t usually have to work straight through a weekend, but I often have to do SOME work. Even this can be a strain as I have a tough time staying motivated when I want to just lounge and play with my family!

So much of the rest of the world is “off” on weekends. This is when friends and family call and want to do social things. There are movies and kids’ soccer games and plays and shopping to do. Far more social distractions than during the week. Plus, my children are off school and around the house and this can be a huge distraction. There seem to be nonstop voices calling me away from the work at hand.

I am still working on the challenge of staying motivated on weekends. I’ve learned that I generally need to keep my work to a minimum and this means staying more focused during the week. If I do a little extra during the week days, it can help me to just have a bit of work to do on Saturday or Sunday. I also try to take advantage of the time before my teens get up and start roaming the house. If I can cut my own Saturday morning lounging down and get going before they start asking me to make breakfast or take them to the mall–I can generally get my work done without creating any sort of strain on my family at all. Then I have the rest of the day to focus on weekend stuff.

Also: Weekends–Family Time, Relaxation, Work or Homework?

Weekends are Just too Short