There may come a time in your life when you must consciously choose to continue to live the gospel. A point where you decide to go forward and live it or you turn away from it. I made the choice when I was eighteen. I was at a crossroads and I seriously considered walking away, but then I realized that I knew that the gospel was true. Since I knew that, I knew I needed to live it.
More often though we are faced with the little day to day instances of whether or not we choose to live the gospel fully. It is a matter of coming to live the commandments completely and then taking it a step further. Like Elder Maxwell said you come to a point where you are addressing your sins of omission instead of sins of commission.
As you strive to do the little things that you should such as reading your scriptures, praying daily, attending church and reaching out to help others your testimony will become more fully founded. As you do the daily things that you should be this will keep in you a place where you do not need to make the big decision of whether or not you choose to stay on the gospel path.
These small daily decisions are the things that will bring you closer to the Lord. As you do them you will have the light of Christ with you. You will be strengthened so that you can meet the challenges that will face you in your life. There are always more ways you can embrace the gospel. As you master one skill you can move on to the next. This is how you continue to progress spiritually.
Once you have made the decision to embrace the gospel fully, then you need to continue to go forward on that path. You can find strength from personal prayer. You will have the opportunity to help others along the path as well. The blessing so f the gospel will be yours.
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