Today I’m continuing the tips to strengthen your marriage. These three are closely linked.
Don’t Assume You’re Always Right
Recently a friend said ‘when we argue, he (meaning her husband) thinks he’s right. I know I am.’ While everyone at the time laughed as she intended us to do, there can be an undercurrent of truth in that statement in that we automatically assume we are always right. Nobody is right all the time. Sometimes we make mistakes whether we mean to or not, sometimes we misinterpret our spouse’s actions or comments. Sometimes we’re in the wrong frame of mind and take what was meant as a joke seriously. Sometimes we’re quite simply wrong and need to admit it.
Say You’re Sorry
The quickest way to get past an argument and the tension it creates is for an apology to be made. Of course if you’re like the person above who thins they’re always right no matter what, it’s not gong to be easy to say ‘I’m sorry.’ To my mind it’s better to move on than stay stuck at tension point because neither person is willing to apologize. Does it really matter who started it or who was in the wrong etc? So be willing to apologize.
Forgive and Forget
Because we’re human and in a relationship there are going to be times when we hurt our partner, or when they hurt us, whether it’s by careless words or thoughtless behavior. Once an apology has been made, hopefully forgiveness will follow. Forgiveness is critical in any relationship. But the most important aspect of forgiveness is forgetting.
It’s not forgiveness if next time you have argument or cross words or your spouse doesn’t do something you ask them to, you bring it up again. Forgiveness needs to be total. The person who hold grudges and keeps score of wrongs and slights is very hard to live with. Forgiveness means forgetting, not rehashing that point every time you get into a disagreement with your spouse.
I’d love to hear any of your thoughts on any of the tips for strengthening your marriage I have shared.
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