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Stolen Moments to Burn Calories

Finding time to work out can be difficult but it can be done. It takes determination and focus to add in something new to your daily routine. However, there is nothing saying that your work out time is the only time to burn calories. The name of the game is burning more calories than you consume in a day. I’m not sure about you but thirty minutes on a treadmill a day may not be the trick to burning the desired about of calories. Wouldn’t it be nice to burn an extra 100 to 200 calories a day without gearing up for the gym or having to shower afterwards? In order to do this you need to change your mind set from sedentary to active sedentary (I made that up as this is just a way to burn a few extra calories not active as in training to be an athlete). This means you have to constantly be thinking of times to keep moving instead of standing or sitting still. Here are some suggestions to steal some moments to burn some extra calories.

Park your car the farthest back from your destination so you can gain some extra steps on the way in and out.

When you are on hold during a call use that time to get in some crunches, jumping jacks, stretches or just walking around with your cordless phone.

When carrying your laundry baskets up stairs or around your home wear wrist weights or ankle weights for an extra burn. If you do not have wrist or ankle weights you can just add extra weight to your basket.

Downloading or uploading something? Computer chores can be drawn out but they don’t have to leave you sitting on your bum. Use that time for crunches, push ups, jumping jacks, stretching, etc.

Whenever you find yourself sitting see if this is a time to stand or do something physical. If that would be inappropriate or just plain weird for the setting you are in then try fidgeting. People who fidget burn 100 or so more calories a day than their non-fidgeting counterparts.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.