As usual, President Uchtdorf did not dissapoint with a talk that resonated with many members of the church. I know that it was a talk that I needed to hear, and probably a talk that most people could benefit from. It was titled, The Merciful Obtain Mercy. However, the title of this talk could also easily be, “Stop it!”.
One thing I love about Elder Uchtdorf is that he speaks to members of the church in a candid way that is down to earth and pertinent to all of us today.
His first counsel to all of us was to stop the judgment of others around us. He said, “This topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following:
Stop it!
It’s that simple. We simply have to stop judging others and replace judgmental thoughts and feelings with a heart full of love for God and His children.”
It really is that simple. However, it is not usually that easy. I am amazed at how hard it is to break some of these judgmental thoughts that we all have. Whether it is someone that we know, or someone we don’t, many of us are predisposed to immediately judge someone based on their outward appearances.
I did this just the other day when I saw a man crossing the street in front of me while I was parked at a red light. He was wearing a BYU sweatshirt and smoking a cigarette. I immediately started passing judgment on him in my mind. But, I am no better than he is. I am not without sin.
President Uchtdorf quoted a bumper sticker in his talk that said, “Don’t judge me because I sin differently than you.” I love it. It speaks to what we should all remind ourselves of everyday. That we are all God’s children. We all make mistakes. We are all trying to make it through this mortal existence with trials, and hardships perfectly tailored for us. It is not easy. For any of us.
This was a great talk that will make you reflect inward on how you treat others. Maybe you are not holding a grudge against someone, but we are all at fault. It is easy to judge others. It is not so easy to love them unconditionally. But, that is what the Lord expects us to do. So, in Elder Uchtdorf’s words, if you are feeling tempted, “Stop It!”