I wish I could convince every parent who has little ones to really treasure these early years. I know that when my children were younger I would almost cringe to hear other parents say how fast those years go by. To me it didn’t seem fast enough. I got so tired of hearing those words that it was just easier to tune them out.
In that moment in time all I could see were the tantrums, dirty diapers, sleepless nights and constant demands. I remember almost feeling like the life in me had been sucked out. I hate to say it but I think I missed out on the enjoyment that could have been. If only my perspective had been different.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that my time as a mother with young children was miserable. It’s just that I don’t feel like I fully enjoyed it like I could have. I had too many moments of just waiting for the next stage so I could get out of the one we were in.
I think as a parent this can happen throughout the lifetime of our children. Instead of enjoying the moment we are in, we are eagerly awaiting the next one. Lately I have been doing a lot of complaining about all of the driving I do. The hat I seem to wear the most lately is chauffer. I feel like all I do is drive my children from one thing to the next.
Sundays are supposed to be my one day where I rest. We attend church in the morning and then the rest of the day is supposed to be my chance to get “me time.” Today I found myself having to stop at the store to pick up something for my daughter, running my oldest son to get a haircut and then taking my youngest son to get an impression on his teeth made for a mouth guard as he is starting football this summer.
I started thinking about July and how my oldest will take driver’s education and oh how nice that day will be when he finally starts driving. I had to catch myself. I was doing it again. Instead of enjoying this moment in time, where I am able to drive my children all over I was eagerly awaiting the next stage. If I don’t catch myself I can keep eagerly awaiting each stage until suddenly I am faced with this empty house and I ask myself, “Where did the time go?”
No matter what stage of parenting you are in, enjoy it all you can. Treasure it. It may seem like it will never pass but trust me, it will go by faster than you thought. You will realize how right those other parents were when they tried to tell you.
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