You know if this article is for you or not, and if it is, be prepared for straight talk. If you are looking for excuses or validation, you won’t get it from me. It wouldn’t be helpful or honest. In fact, it would be as unfair to you as it would be to your family. Straight talk or tough love is more beneficial because it is honest even if unpopular, and I’m known for being pretty straightforward. So, let’s get down to it.
If you cheat on your husband or wife, or are simply thinking about doing so, you won’t just be lying to your spouse but also to yourself and everyone else around you. You’re not just cheating on the person you swore your vows to, which would be bad enough, even if you are somehow able to justify it in your own mind.
Make no mistake, you’re also cheating on your family, your spouse’s family, your friends, and you’re cheating on your children if you have kids. Not only will you betray their trust, but you may well cheat them out of a two-parent household, a happy family, and carefree childhood. They may soon be subjected to a single parent household with the second parent (most likely you) becoming a mere weekend visitor.
You will have betrayed the trust of everyone in your life, every person that witnessed your vows, and every person that lives in your home. You will have even cheated on your pets! That may sound silly, but think about it. Your pet will miss you when you are asked to remove your cheating self from the home.
People who cheat on those they claim to love usually don’t want to hear any of this. They don’t want to be held accountable for their choices and they don’t want to feel guilty. They certainly don’t want to think about everyone else they’ve hurt. They may not feel bad about hurting a spouse if they blame the spouse for the breakdown in the relationship (conveniently forgetting it’s a two way street), but they don’t want to be reminded of everyone else who will suffer because of their choices. They somehow think they deserve whatever it is they get from the dishonest relationship, even if it is at the expense of everyone else around them.
Too bad. I’m going to say it whether anyone likes it or not. I’m telling you straight -here and now- that if you cheat on your spouse, you are in fact cheating on everyone in your life. Please, keep this in mind and ask yourself if it’s worth it.
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