It seems as if schools and teachers will do almost anything now to get students in school and learning. Each and every day educators are working on ways to get children actively involved in their academics. However, the challenge is getting greater and greater. It is harder and harder to compete with the world’s action and troubles. Lack of discipline, lack of parental involvement, and drugs all play a part in the competition that teachers face.
Georgia has created a plan in which students cannot afford not to attend school. Two schools, one a high school and one a middle school, will pilot a program that offers students money for attending after school tutoring classes.
The program is titled Learn and Earn. It even offers bonuses for students who have grade improvement. The program will begin with students in grade eight and eleven. It will last for fifteen weeks. The goal is to improve attendance, grades, and test scores. The students will be paid $8.00 an hour for attending classes.
The funding for the program is coming from a nonprofit organization. The organization is dedicated to finding ways to improve education through creative programs and ideas.
The teachers at the school chose which forty students would be involved in the program. The students were chosen based on their test scores, attendance, grades, and free and reduced lunch membership.
There has been many to criticize the program for bribing and paying students for grades. We wish that all students would be motivated to their best solely for self satisfaction. However we have many adults in society that also have no self-motivation or pride.
I think that this program is probably more acceptable because it is offered after school and the students are putting extra time into their studies.
I assume that the hope is that after the students realize their own potential and how much the school cares about their academics, they will want to do better.
Treating All Students the Same
Students with Personal Assistants
Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences