Here’s an interesting new study I read about. It seems that 77% of kids between the ages of 8 and 14 are helping their parents with online tasks. You hear a lot about the rising number of adults who shop, make bill payments or complete other tasks online but it never occurred to me that kids, especially kids as young as 8, were also completing these same tasks.
The study was conducted by Stars for Kidz and revealed that busy parents often turn to their kids when they need to make online purchases. A national survey of more than 6,000 kids shows that today’s kids have added chores that include “cyber-assistance”. The report reveals that these kids are helping with online tasks for two reasons: Nearly half (47%) of respondents in the study say they help because their parents are “clueless online”, while 29% said they help their moms online because “she doesn’t have enough time”.
Tasks include comparison shopping as well other tasks like online banking, tax preparation and family travel plans. Most of the kids in the study reported that by helping with these tasks they had a positive influence on family activities.
The top five online chores were:
38% share pictures and emails with relatives
38% get movie listings
36% invitations and party planning stuff
36% plan vacations/travel
35% get driving directions
The study also revealed that tech-savvy kids are comfortable with all the new technology on the market, including iPods and web-enabled cell phones.
Comparison shopping and getting directions is one thing but I don’t know if I would feel comfortable letting my child handle my online banking or bill paying. In fact, I know I wouldn’t. Tax returns? Definitely not. I think some tasks should remain the domain and responsibility of the parents. If you are computer illiterate, then make your purchases and pay your bills the old-fashioned way. I let Tyler help me with many things but I think a definite line should be drawn in the sand.
See also:
Home Decorating: Shopping from Home
PayPal Basics: Send Money on the Internet
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