Be proud of your grey hair, ladies! A recent survey from the beauty experts at L’Oreal found that almost half of all women over forty are choosing to NOT dye the grey out of their hair.
The benefits of going grey:
- You don’t have to worry about dying and re-dying to cover roots.
- You don’t have to constantly subject your hair to dyes.
- You save money (not buying dye or going to the salon) and time (not dying your hair at home or sitting in the salon while someone else does it for you).
- You’ve earned those grey hairs — so wear them with pride!
Even if you’ve been dying your hair, you aren’t stuck with the bottle forever. You can go grey gradually — just give it time. It may take a year before your colored hair is totally gone. A new, chic haircut can help cover up the growing-in process, too. If you’ve been wanting to try a super-short cut, this might be a good time! A short cut can lessen the contrast between dyed and natural hair. You could also try adding in some highlights or lowlights during the growing out period to help blend in your roots.
Once you’ve gone grey, there are some things to remember when caring for your hair:
- Silver hair tends to absorb light, which can make your hair look dull. Styling your hair straight can make it look more shiny.
- Use a moisturizing shampoo to help keep your hair soft, smooth, and hydrated.
- Once a week, use a shampoo formulated for grey hair — this will counteract yellowing caused by sunlight, hard water, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants. Once a week is plenty; overuse can leave your silver hair with a blue or purple tint.
- Be sure to use clear styling products — colored products can tint your hair!
- Try a leave-in conditioner (like a glaze or gloss) once a month. These can boost shine and reduce coarseness.