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Submission (and the Waiting Game)

Okay, now we’re down to the nitty-gritty details. Yesterday, we discussed the biography and resume (the last part of the application.) Today, we are going to talk about how to format that application. (If you have just jumped in, make sure to start at the beginning of the series: Think You Have What it Takes to be a Families.com Blogger?)

I asked Lisa questions to make sure I was going to tell y’all correctly, and she gave me her input. So this comes straight from the top.

First off, the hiring page simply says:

Email Us – To apply, send your completed application with all of the information described above to blogs@families.com with the topic(s) you intend to apply for as the subject line.

To make Lisa’s life easier, and your application more likely to be chosen, this should be formatted in a particular way. In the body of the e-mail, simply write: “My application is attached for you to look over. Thanks so much and have a great day!” or something along those lines. Attach one document with all of the information she asks for, in the order she asks for it: The overall topic you want, the sub-topics you would cover as a blogger, the three sample blogs, the short biography, the resume, and the qualifications you have to do this job (why you are knowledgeable about this job. I have no children, so I’m fairly sure they will never hire me a Parenting blogger because I have no experience with the subject. You don’t have to be an expert with a four-year degree to blog about a subject, but some sort of experience with it is needed.)

This document with everything in it should be written in Word, if at all possible. If you do not have Word installed on your computer, please check out my blog about Open Office, and consider installing that program on your computer to use. If you have Word Perfect and usually use that, please just put the entire application into the body of the e-mail instead. Word Perfect is too difficult for Lisa to deal with, so if you don’t have Word and you don’t want to download Open Office, put it all into the body of the e-mail and don’t attach anything.

And finally, your application is sent (blogs@families.com) and all you have to do now is check your inbox every 22 seconds for the next week until you hear back from Lisa. Oh, sorry, I’m probably the only one that neurotic. No worries, I won’t leave you hanging. Next week, we’ll tackle the other side of the coin: What it’s like to actually be a blogger for Families–the different responses that Lisa sends to blogger hopefuls, what each of them mean, what it’s like to be a junior blogger, and all the rest. We’ll see ya back here then!