We have been counseled to have family prayer on a regular basis. This can be a difficult undertaking, especially if it has been awhile since you have had it. There are a few steps that may make it easier for you to have family prayer on a consistent basis.
1) Set aside a time when the entire family can be together during the day. This can be more difficult as your children become teenagers and are busy with both early morning seminary and after school activities. Several families I’ve known have had family prayer and scripture study in the morning before their teenagers leave for early morning seminary. This takes a great commitment. You may require that everyone be home at a certain time in the evenings in order to have family prayer and scripture study then. Once you decide on the right time for your family, be consistent with it.
2) Your attitude and your family’s attitude will affect the spirit that you feel during family prayer. Explain to your children why it is important to have family prayer. If you persist even though your children protest at first things will get better.
3) Allow different family members to pray. When you pray be sure to pray specifically for each member of the family. This will allow your children to see your love and concern for them. It will also teach your children how to pray and that prayer is a real communication between them and the Lord.
Family prayer will draw your family closer together. It will give you a chance to gather as a family each day and spend positive time together. In “Hallmarks of a Happy Home” President Thomas S. Monson said:
“Family prayer is the greatest deterrent to sin, and hence the most beneficent provider of joy and happiness. The old saying is yet true: ‘The family that prays together stays together.’”
I hope that each of you will take the time to pray with your family. Do you have any additional tips to make family prayers successful?