Going on vacation is something that everyone looks forward to. However, if you are dieting it can be difficult to maintain your dieting regime and at the same time treat yourself to a little extra extravagance when it comes to mealtime.
Here are some suggestions to help you make it through your vacation and still lose a pound or two:
First of all, do not expect to lose as much as you would when you are at home and following your normal, every day schedule. Accepting this will help you not to become too discouraged when you get back home and jump on that scale to assess the damage. Be happy if you only lose a pound or two depending on how long you have been vacationing or even just being the same weight as you were before you went on vacation. When you are on vacation attempt to stay away from “pleasure” eating. What I mean by this is that you should not eat just because it looks really good. Do not eat unless you are truly hungry. Do not eat just because it is something that you do not normally eat and go hog wild with abandon. Too much of this will surely gain you some additional poundage with a side of depression upon your return. Allow yourself one extra “treat” while you are away. Dessert every day is a no-no unless you plan to make it sugar-free Jell-O with a dollop of whipped cream. By the way, a dollop is a small teaspoon, not Jell-O buried under a white cloud. Try your very best to stick to vegetables with a small, very small portion of meat for one meal a day. Count your calories. This is really the only way to ensure that you will not go over your limit. Unfortunately, this will be your saving grace at all times. The calories can pile up before you even realize it. Exercise if you can. Too much lounging will only make you feel lazy and absolutely terrible.
Going on vacation should not be stressful. After all, we go on vacation to give us a break from the daily pressures and the stress. The last thing that we want to do though, especially if you have lost weight, is to regain and start all over again from square one. Try to use your willpower and self-control while vacationing and enjoy the things around you, not what is in front of you at meals and you will hopefully not only come back from vacation rested and de-stressed, but at the same weight, possibly even a pound lighter, when you return.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, media, and health.