Well, I’m not sure how it is in your neck of the woods, but for many here in the States, the heat is sweltering. With temperatures in the triple digits and heat advisories galore, most outdoor activities are out of the question. So, here are a few films that will help you beat the heat while keeping your family entertained.
The Sandlot – This sleeper hit is the story of the new kid in town who joins a neighborhood baseball team. A sweet tale, boys and girls will equally enjoy this story that brings an unexpected charm with it. As the boys fear and, eventually, face the “beast” near their favorite playing spot, you’ll understand why this film is such a winner with both kids and adults.

Field of Dreams – This amazingly uplifting story of a man who goes on faith to build a ballpark in the cornfield adjoining his house never grows old. James Earl Ray as Terrance Mann is fantastic and his monologue about memories and the game of baseball still gives me chills.

Labyrinth – Part musical, part fantasy, this musical combines the creativity of Jim Henson with David Bowie’s smooth vocals. The story of a girl who wishes her baby brother would simply disappear is a coming-of-age tale like none other. In order to retrieve her baby brother, Sarah must brave a labyrinth brimming with monsters and soon-to-be companions.

The Goonies – This film is the quintessential summer film. As a neighborhood group of kids waits for the inevitable destruction of their homes, they stumble upon what every kid dreams of finding in their own backyard: treasure. A modern classic, kids will love the fun this movie provides and adults will certainly enjoy the nostalgia.

Flight of the Navigator – This Disney film, released in the 80’s, just doesn’t get enough love. The story of a boy who suddenly goes missing only to find himself returned ten years later without aging a day over the day he disappeared combines fantasy, science fiction and drama for a story that both children and adults will enjoy.

All of the above films can be found at Amazon.com, so pour a pitcher of Kool-Aid, prepare your sheet tent and enjoy a fun and cool afternoon of movie watching.