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Summer Science: Going on a Night Walk


Going on a night walk? Exploring the forest at night is a good way to increase children’s understanding of the life that goes on while they are asleep. Animals such as owls, bats, and flying squirrels are most active around dusk and dawn and in the evening.

Go to a forested area or field that is very close to your home to make it easier to get home after the walk. You can either walk through the forest or explore in one small area. If you decide to go on a walk, make sure that you walk the area during the day time and bring a flashlight. Stay to a short trail that you know well.

What can you do outdoors in the evening?

Owl Calls

Do research to determine what owl species live in your area. You can find owl calls to listen to online. Learn how to mimic these calls. Go to an open area where sound will carry. Around dusk, begin to make the calls that the owls make. Listen carefully to see if an owl calls back.

Evening Sound Mapping

Borrow from Joseph Cornell’s toolkit. Cornell is a well-known nature educator. Go to a quiet place in the forest and sit or stand in a circle. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are in the center of a map and listen to all of the sounds around you. As you listen, think about where the sounds are coming from. Think about what they sound like: do they sound like rushing, like crunching? Then each person in the group can share one of the sounds that they heard.

Red Light Bug Watching

Find a flashlight for everyone and get some red cellophane. Cut it to size and place it over top of the light on the flashlight. Red light is not as bothersome for night animals, so it is possible to find animals using red light flashlights and observe them as they undertake their evening activities. Look under logs and rocks and watch the invertebrate life that is often so active in the night time. Observe the animals hunting and eating.

Have you been on a night walk with your children?

Image courtesy of doeben at Stock Exchange.