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Super Talking

Kyle Conway

My son is now a “super talker.” This is the term I use to describe the wonderful, varied, and meandering stream of pitches and vowel sounds he is able to create with his beautiful mouth that can also control a smile. This is a major triumph in communication because he is able to more accurately communicate his needs. This is also a triumph because he is experimenting with sound. Since dad is interested in the spoken word (playwright) and sounds (amateur musician) this is an especially wonderful time for me too.

Previously he could only let out one single, steady vowel sound. This was boring. I think it was actually boring for him too. Here he was, relying on his parents to deal with his bowel movements, hold him aloft, and feed him and all he could utter (other than a cry) was a “Oooooooo.” I could actually see him getting bored with this talent when it was new. He was almost contemplating, as the sound was emerging, whether or not it was worth the effort. He really questioned this when his parents could utter such an interesting number of sounds with their mouths. They always sounded much more interesting than what he was able to produce on his own.

Now he’s a “super talker” and he’s really impressed with his new feat. When he starts talking it is hard to get him to stop. Earlier today he was nursing and his mother was laughing about something: he smiled, pulled himself off, and started using his new “super talking” feat. This made mother laugh even more, which made him smile even more and talk even more and then she laughed and he talked and smiled and laughed and on and on… It was a really fun moment. He’s growing up fast. What they say is true. I think I’m going to like talking with him though.