Sometimes as single mothers I think we are expected to be Superwoman. Until now we have always shared the responsibilities with someone else, now the responsibility lies solely on us. Motherhood is a lot to take on for anyone, but to do it alone can be beyond overwhelming. No matter how involved your ex is you are still expected to take on both responsibilities in the home. If the toilet gets clogged, you have to take care of it on your own, there’s no one to do it for you. If the car breaks down, you have to find a way to fix it, there’s no one there to come and rescue you. You cook and clean and take care of your children all day long all while being expected to bring in enough income to support your family and often going to school at the same time.
If you put your kids in daycare you are criticized because you don’t spend enough time with them. If you don’t how do you find a way to support your family? Trying to find a balance between everything can seem impossible at times. I constantly find myself asking, “How can I possibly take on one more thing?” And yet, we always find a way.
At times I feel like I’m never doing enough. There is always going to be someone else who is doing more. I try my hardest to be the best mother I could be for my son, but there are times I still feel guilty, like I could be doing more. Then I find myself going back to, “How can I take on anything else?” Single mothers are faced with this day in and day out. How do we take on a job that was meant for two? We can only do so much as one person. We need to learn to set the guilt aside and realize that we don’t have to be Superwoman to be a good mother. We do everything we can do and be everything we can be and it will find a way to work itself out.