As parents, we want to keep our children safe. We also want to help them learn how to keep themselves safe and to figure out how to be successful in the world. Have you ever considered whether you are encouraging your children to play it TOO safe? Could you actually be discouraging them from taking the risks and chances they need to in order to build confidence, self-esteem and resiliency?
When was the last time you praised your child for taking a risk or setting out in unchartered waters? It seems to be more the norm to praise our children for things they accomplish—grades, test scores, points and goals, performances, etc. Our children need our encouragement and support for attempts and risks and trying new things too.
Starting a new school, taking up a new hobby, pushing themselves to try to make the varsity team, applying for a college that you might think is way “out of their league”, trying to get a job, making new friends—you see how many opportunities there are to encourage our children, and support them as they step out into life’s many unknowns? They need that encouragement from us and they need to know that we stand behind them just for getting involved in the process—not necessarily for the end results.
Think over your own life—how scared have you been at times when you were on the verge of trying something new? Have you ever backed off because you were afraid of making a mistake or messing things up (or not being able to handle the change?) Resilient, confident people are not those who feel no fear when trying something new or taking a chance—but those who take the risks anyway, even if they are scared. Don’t we want our children to become adults who can take chances and try new things?
Also: Single Parents and Risk–Healthy or Unhealthy?