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Support for Single Moms

We have many single moms around the country, all trying to do the best possible at caring for children. For some mothers, family and friends are nearby to help but for others, there is no assistance. Often, you will find a single mom trying to raise a baby while working one, if not two jobs. You can only imagine the exhaustion and frustration felt on a daily basis.

The good news is that while single parenting is prevalent and growing, a number of excellent resources are available to help. Unfortunately, many single moms don’t want to ask for help, even when they know they need it. This type of determination and dedication to “do it alone” simply puts too much stress on the entire situation. Parenting is a tough job for a two-parent home, let alone a one-person home. Therefore, being strong is fine and commendable but this is the time to be the best for your baby possible, even if it means reaching out to ask for assistance.

For starters, you will discover a number of excellent governmental programs designed specifically for the single mom. Keep in mind that the exact type of assistance will depend on the state in which you live but most offer help with insurance, legal aid, college scholarships, and so on. In fact, you can find all types of information by browsing online. Simply choose a search engine such as Google.com and in the search field, type in keywords such as “government assistance for single moms”.

In addition to federal programs, a number of state and city programs also exist. In this case, you would likely find your own community offering some type of help free or reduced priced daycare, clothing banks, food banks, free support groups, parenting workshops, and more. Remember, even if you have no friends or family nearby to help, you are not alone. With so many single moms, wonderful programs have been developed to make life easier for you and better for your baby.

Yes, being a single mom is probably one of the most challenging of all roles but being a mom is also the greatest achievement. Instead of feeling constant stress and defeat, check out resources and get help. You can talk to a number of local churches in your area to see if they offer any type of programs or at least know of any. In addition, you could contact your local family services department, another excellent resource.