The higher the prices get for professional sports teams, the more interesting college teams become. I played college ball, both softball and basketball. For basketball, I was the 20/20 man. Do you know what that is? It’s the guy (or girl) who gets to play when the team is either twenty points ahead or twenty points behind. It’s because I wasn’t that good a shot. I’d been allowed to play basketball with my brothers when I was growing up as long as I passed the ball to one of them when it was time to make a basket. Still, I enjoyed watching the game, even if it was from the bench.
Watching college sports is different than watching the pros because it’s easier to relate to. The players are still very good, but no outcome is ever a shoo-in. There are always upsets from even the smallest or the most unlikely of candidates. To me, that uncertainty is a lot more exciting than watching the Yankees beat the pants off the Devil Rays.
Even if you’re not a big fan, for $19.99, you’d be hard-pressed to get a good quality sweatshirt. My dh has an Russell Indiana sweatshirt that’s about 20 years old and still looks great. Russell Athletics are quality, heavyweight, and of durable construction.
There’s a large selection of schools available including U Conn, Notre Dame, USC, UCLA, Stanford, and Syracuse; plus two dozen others; most of the NCAA is there.
If you have Amazon Prime, shipping is free. If you don’t, you’ll probably want to add a $5.01 filler so you end up with free shipping. The filler is cheaper than the shipping, so it’s worth doing a little extra shopping.
Joke of the day. When I lived in Pennsylvania (back in the 80s), this was a staple.
Q. Why is the sky blue and white?
A. Because God is a Penn State Fan.