A little over a week ago I got an email from an unspecified representative with a company called PoochIQ.com. They felt their product might make interesting fodder for the Pets Blog. They felt right!
They offered to send me a complimentary test kit to sample on my Murphy.
“Why not?” I figured. So I wrote them back and gave them my address.
I must confess, I never bothered to click on their website until I was preparing to write this article today. I meant to beforehand, like earlier this week, but things got slightly chaotic. Aside from the storms, I had some other things going on and I never got around to it.
Until just today, like I said.
And I made the time because I was not expecting the kit that came in the mail.
Now maybe if I had bothered to check their website, I would have been more prepared for what the kit consists of. As it was, the components came as a complete surprise.
Surprise #1
For one thing, it was a big box that arrived today. I was not expecting that. I had it in my mind it’d be some little thing. Something most likely on the cheap side. Not!
Surprise #2
I opened the box to find this neat big blue satchel filled with stuff.
“Wow! Those people at PoochIQ.com did us up right, Murphy!” I said, thinking they’d also given me some complimentary PoochIQ.com paraphernalia in addition to the kit.
Surprise #3
I start pulling stuff out of the bag and the first thing I grab is a face mask.
“What the heck would they send me a face mask for? Maybe because I live in Nashville and we have cold weather?” (The address on the box was from California. Beverly Hills no less.)
And when I say face mask, I mean a black face mask with holes cut out for the eyes, nose, and mouth like bank robbers wear. The kind that covers your whole head and face.
“That’s a weird thing to send. I wonder what else is in here.”
Dig, dig, dig…
Surprise #4
“Toys! Murph, look at all these cool toys they sent you. What nice people they are at PoochIQ.”
Except, one looked like a puzzle toy similar to one Murph has…
Surprise #5
“Oh, look. There’s a book too…”
Wait. There’s a book?
It’s not very big, but it’s no pamphlet. I think this is where my confusion comes in. I was expecting a sheet with some instructions on it. Then I’d have to use things in our own house to test Murph’s IQ.
As I’m reading the book, which has 15 IQ determining exercises, I realize they’ve included everything I need to test Murph’s IQ. Duh! That’s why they call theirs a “kit.”
Surprise #6
The kit is worth $79.99.
Thanks very much for hooking me up, PoochIQ.com. I will make sure to put this kit to good use. (Which I will. I’ll let you all know how Murph does.)
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