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Surviving Bed Rest

There are a variety of conditions that can result in a pregnant woman being put on bed rest. Although bed rest is most common in later stages of pregnancy, it can happen at any time. I was on bed rest for six weeks during the first trimester of my first pregnancy. bed rest can put a strain on a couple physically, emotionally and financially.

The first question to ask your doctor is what exactly he means by bed rest. Sometimes this simply means to stay at home and rest as much as possible during the day. In other cases, it could mean lying on the bed or sofa for the majority of the day, getting up only for short bursts. In more extreme cases, it can mean total bed rest, other than shower or bathroom trips.

The first hurdle after being placed on bed rest is to figure out the logistics of the arrangement. If this is your first baby, bed rest is easier to handle. If you have other children, you will need to make arrangements for their care. Daycare is expensive, especially if you need to leave your job. Grandparents, other family members or friends may be able to lend a hand.

bed rest is often difficult on your husband or partner. My husband definitely had to pick up the slack when I was on bed rest. He would get up in the morning, make me breakfast before work, make my lunch and leave it in the refrigerator. Then he’d go off to work. After work, he would make me dinner and clean up around the house. He never complained, but I felt guilty. Don’t do this. The guilt is unproductive and unfounded.

Family and friends may be able to help take the burden off your husband. This could be done by bringing a meal or offering to help clean the house or do some laundry. Enlist grandparents, siblings or other family members. You may be surprised at who is willing to help. If your finances will allow it, hire a cleaning person to come in once each week.

The other challenge of bed rest is emotional. You may be bored, anxious or both. Daytime television won’t keep you occupied for long. Set up some activities near the bed or sofa to keep you busy and entertained. A laptop is a great idea, allowing you to read articles or communicate with friends. Books and magazines can also help pass the time.

A hobby is another good way to pass the time. Knitting, crochet, cross stitch or quilting can be done while on bed rest. You can spend some time making a keepsake for the new baby. If you don’t do any of these things, now may be a good time to learn. A hobby can make the hours pass quickly and lift your spirits. Above all, avoid lying in bed and worrying about the baby. This anxiety isn’t good for either of you.