There is something powerful about humans interacting with dolphins. These tranquil, intelligent creatures have been shown to be gentle with children, almost sensing their vulnerability. The amazing impact that dolphins have on special needs children and adults has been documented and described frequently. Dolphin Assisted Therapy (DAT) has become an accepted and recognized form of treatment for children with disabilities of all kinds. Parents have reported that after their children had the experience of swimming with dolphins their ability to communicate increased, and they “opened up.” Children with pervasive development disorder and particularly those on the autism spectrum have often had dramatic responses to DAT. Somehow the dolphin interaction stimulates areas of the brain that were previously underused. DAT is also used with children who have paralysis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and other physical limitations. The buoyancy of the water relieves stress on muscles and joints, and allows children otherwise immobile to feel free of their limitations. Dolphin encounters have also been gifted to terminally ill children by the Make-a-Wish foundation.
What happens during the therapy?
Your child is provided with a life jacket and is taken into the water with expert dolphin handlers. The child is able to pet and kiss the dolphins, and feel their smooth and sleek bodies. Depending on your child’s level of disability, he may be able to glide through the water, holding on to the dolphin fins, or be gently pushed through the water by the dolphin. The child is taught simple signs to communicate with the dolphins, signaling them to perform certain tasks. Dolphin Assisted Therapy programs might also include special activities like painting with dolphins. In some programs, family members can get into the water and enjoy the experience with their child. The encounters can be videotaped and usually the child is provided with a picture or T-shirt to remember the experience.
How much will it cost?
This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you should save up for it like you would a very special vacation. There are numerous swim-with-the-dolphins programs available, and you may want to do some price comparisons. For a brief encounter, you might pay $75, but typically for an in-water experience it will cost a few hundred dollars. For a five-day experience, you’re likely to pay several thousand dollars. Do some research and find out what different programs are offered and what they include. Be sure to consider the cost of travel, lodging, and meals. Sometimes foundations representing your child’s disorder will help defray costs.
We don’t know the exact reasons why dolphin assisted therapy (DAT) is often so life-changing. Specific studies are currently underway, including a particular study of children with pervasive development disorder, whose behaviors are documented prior to the dolphin encounter and then followed for months afterward. Regardless, swimming with dolphins is an experience you and your child will remember for the rest of your lives.
Kristyn Crow is the author of this blog. Visit her website by clicking here.
Here are several websites offering information:
Special Needs Dolphin Pathways Program
Water Planet Swim with Dolphins Program
Swimming with Wild Dolphins in Panama City Program
Swim with Dolphins – Dolphin Cove
Marineland Dolphin Interaction Program
Sea World Dolphin Interaction Program