Undergoing treatment for infertility is never easy. At some point in your journey, you may be unhappy with your current treatment or clash with the doctor and consider making a change. This is never easy, particularly with the heightened emotions involved in trying to conceive, but it is sometimes necessary.
There are many reasons women give for changing doctors during the course of infertility treatments. It may be something as simple as a bad match between you and your doctor. If you have widely different philosophies, this can happen. For example, if you are considering IVF and have religious conflicts with certain issues, such as selective reduction, you want a doctor who respects your opinion.
In other cases, it may be a loss of confidence in the treatment. This may be due to the fact that you haven’t conceived and are upset, or it can be due to a doctor who is not meeting your needs and acting quickly to resolve issues and make a plan for your care.
At any time during your treatment, you should feel comfortable asking for a second opinion. Infertility is a highly personal issue and in many cases, there is a rush against the clock. If you aren’t sure if your doctor is doing everything possible or want another expert opinion on the course of treatment, ask for a second opinion. A professional doctor will not be upset by this and will respect your wishes.
Of course, there are some doctors that don’t like to be questioned and may resist the idea of a second opinion. This may be a warning sign to you that it is time to make a change. If this is the case, just make your move. Women often get emotionally attached to OBs and infertility specialists. Don’t let this happen to you. As a patient, you have every right to seek another opinion. Even the most well meaning doctor will not be as proactive with your case as you will be.
The biggest thing you can do to ensure quality care is to get educated on infertility issues, particularly your specific problem. Learn as much as you can by reading in books as well as research on the internet regarding the latest treatments for your condition. This will give you the tools you need to have an honest conversation with your current doctor and possibly make a change.
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