The other day I wrote how a perfect red camellia was, for me, a symbol of love. One other time it was a vase of sweet peas. For many people flowers, in particular roses, are a symbol of love.
For my father roses were anything but symbols of love. He hated roses. When Mum and Dad bought a house with beds of roses in it, every one of those roses were dug out by Mum since Dad had a bad heart and couldn’t do the digging. Their removal and absence was, in a way, a symbol of love.
Of course there are many other symbols of love. One is the wedding ring.
Another is the engagement ring. For me as well as those two symbols of love, I have the friendship ring, give to me by Mick when we first started going together or ‘going steady’ as it was called back in the dim dark ages of our youth.
A symbol of love I never wanted is an eternity ring. For me, that’s what my wedding ring is. Therefore I don’t need an eternity ring. Plus I’m not a big fan of diamonds anyway.
Other symbols of love are the daily love letters we wrote to each other when we were apart, which was most of the time we were engaged. Another symbol of love for me that has gone into my collection of keepsakes never to be parted with is a number of sheets of paper. Each sheet was wrapped around a gift Mick bought me with a line of a poem on each sheet. As I unwrapped each layer of butcher’s paper, it revealed the next line of the poem. Funnily enough, I can’t remember what was the gift was (something beautiful no doubt as he has good taste) but I have kept all the paper with the verses on it.
For me, each of my wooden and ceramic owls bought by Mick, family and friends are symbols of love too. I’d love to hear what you treasure as a symbol of love.
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