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Symptoms of Alcoholism

You don’t have to drink often to be at risk for alcohol abuse or dependence. You might not drink every day. You might go weeks between drinking, and call yourself a social drinker.

Start by taking a look at the risk factors for alcoholism — are you at risk? I am.

These are the signs that you are abusing alcohol:

  • You have problems at work or school related to your alcohol use — tardiness, absenteeism, increased injuries, or decreased performance.
  • You drink in dangerous situations — like before or while driving.
  • You have blackouts — when you are sober after a drinking episode, you cannot remember what you did while intoxicated.
  • You have legal problems because of drinking — for example, you were caught driving drunk or hurting someone while intoxicated.
  • You get hurt while drinking.
  • You hurt someone else while drinking.
  • You drink despite health problems that are caused or made worse by alcohol use.
  • Your friends or family are worried about your drinking.

These are the signs that you are dependent or addicted to alcohol:

  • You crave alcohol and are not able to control your drinking, even when you want to.
  • You have withdrawal symptoms when you cut back or stop drinking — nausea, sweating, anxiety, and more.
  • You experience blackouts (as described above).
  • You need to drink increasing amounts of alcohol to feel the same effects.
  • You hide your drinking or hide how much you drink.
  • You are not comfortable in situations where alcohol is not served.
  • You don’t think you have a problem, despite displaying the symptoms listed here.
  • Your friends or family are worried about your drinking.

Many people who have problems with alcohol do manage to quit drinking for weeks or months before they start again. If you cannot consistently keep your drinking under control, you need help.