Everyone wants to save money on their auto insurance premiums. There is a new way that you might be able to do that, but, it is extremely specific. You have to drive a Ford that has the Ford Sync system installed in it. You also have to connect it with the Drive Safe & Save Program from State Farm.
State Farm started offering their customers a new way to save some money on their car insurance premiums. The Drive Safe & Save Program began in 2011. At that time, it was only being offered in a few states. Now, it is available in fourteen states, including California, Illinois, Texas, and Utah.
Drive Safe & Save program could, potentially, enable drivers to pay less on their car insurance premiums. Originally, you had to have OnStar installed in your vehicle in order to do the Drive Save & Save program. The driver would have to authorize OnStar to provide State Farm with odometer readings from your vehicle. The lower the number of miles you drive, the less State Farm would charge you for your premiums. The more you drive, the more you pay.
Ford has recently started offering something new to drivers. It is called Ford Sync. It gives drivers the ability to connect their iPad, or other tablet device, to their vehicle. Driver can then access it with voice commands. In other words, drivers who have a Ford with Sync in it can listen to music, or a podcast, or an audiobook while driving without ever having to take their hands off the wheel or their eyes off the road. That is a lot safer than having a driver juggle their iPad and try to drive at the same time.
Sync is currently available on the 2012 version of the Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, Mustang, Taurus, Escape, Edge, Explorer, Flex, Expedition, Transit Connect, F-150, E-Series Wagon, and Super Duty. State Farm is now allowing people to report their milage through Sync.
You can have Sync report your odometer readings to State Farm through Sync’s Vehicle Health Report. Again, the fewer miles you drive, the lower your car insurance premiums will be.
On the other hand, there is the potential that using Sync to inform State Farm about how many miles you drive could work against you. The amount of savings a particular driver will receive is based on the number of miles driven during a six month period. This could mean that your premiums will fluctuate every six months, which will make it hard to budget. It also could mean that one trip that your family takes to the beach this summer could wind up raising your auto insurance premiums because of the extra miles that it took to get there and back.
Image by HighTechDad on Flickr