10 Reasons to Consider Partner Training

What is partner training? If you’re thinking that it means you and your co-worker, you and your neighbor or just you and a friend working out together every day, you’d be close. Partner training is a system of checks and balances where you both provide and receive validation of your exercise program and someone to keep you on your toes and performing it. There are a lot of good reasons to partner train and we’re going to talk about the 10 best reasons. 10. Partner training doesn’t usually involve financial investment. You can power walk together every day, you can … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Buy a Treadmill

If you are sensing a theme in my blogs today, well – you wouldn’t be wrong. Here’s my last top 10 on the 10th for the Fitness Blog and it involves investing in a treadmill. We’ve talked a lot about treadmills in this blog and I am definitely partial to them. I have one of my own and it’s probably my most used piece of equipment. So here are my top ten reasons to buy a treadmill, remember – this is only my opinion: A treadmill at home saves time, I can get my workout in on my schedule and … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Work Out At Home

Are you looking for some good reasons to skip out on that gym membership you aren’t using? Or maybe you are trying to wrestle between signing up at the gym or working out at home or maybe you just like top ten lists – whatever your fancy is – here the top 10 reasons to work out at home in honor of July 10 and our top ten on the 10th day. (Yes, I know – any excuse to do a list!) Working out at home can happen on your schedule – all you need is your own home equipment … Continue reading