Reason to Sing

What a joy this morning to get back to leading the singing at church along with the other others on the music team. And what a special time to be singing. I loved opening the service with Joy to the World, followed by O Come All You Faithful (a slight modernization of words from Ye.) Even lovelier was the elderly lady who waved and blew me a kiss as I started to sing. Later she told me how ‘thrilled’ she was ‘to see me back up the front.’ Now I don’t claim to be the world’s best singer but I … Continue reading

The 12 Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my frugal love gave to me… A washed out Ziploc bag-gie * On the second day of Christmas my frugal love gave to me… Two darned socks and a washed out Ziploc bag-gie * On the third day of Christmas my frugal love gave to me… Three Sawdust toilets Two darned socks and a washed out Ziploc bag-gie * On the fourth day of Christmas my frugal love gave to me… Four thrift store bargains Three Sawdust toilets Two darned socks and a washed out Ziploc bag-gie * On the fifth day of Christmas … Continue reading