Wow — Is it 2008 already?

January 1, 2008. January 1, 2008. January 1, 2008. Can it really be 2008 already? Seriously? Yep. Here we are. It is 2008, in Hollywood, the writer’s strike continues at full swing and my daily viewing for my workouts is severely hampered. Closer to home, my little girl turned 7 and my husband and I celebrated 8 years of marriage and we’re looking 12 years together total. 2007 was the Year of a Million Dreams at Disney. It was the year of overexposure for Paris and Britney. 2007 started out with my husband recovering from an emergency appendectomy and I … Continue reading

What Would You Like to See in the Adoption Blog This Next Year?

What Would You Like to See in the Adoption Blog This Next Year? This blog will be a little different. I’m asking for comments from you, my readers. What has been helpful to you in the adoption blog this year? What would you like to see more of? More personal experience and reflections? More informational blogs? I, for one, would like to see more comments by readers, both in the blog comments and in the forums. The forums are a great tool to ask questions which I can then address in blogs. As many of you know, I have two … Continue reading

My Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

This past year has been full of big changes for me. The biggest one was my cross-country move. I am no longer one of the primary caretakers for my grandmother — the only person I have to take care of is myself. Well, myself and the dogs. But now that it’s just me, I have to confess that I’ve gotten somewhat lazy when it comes to my own care. Here are the things I’d like to do in 2008 for better health: Walk more. Yes, I walk the dogs at least four times each day, but it’s not the same … Continue reading

Moose and Lally’s New Year’s Resolutions

With 2008 just a few days away, the dogs and I sat down to work on our New Year’s resolutions. Moose’s New Years Resolutions Moose resolves to stay out of traffic. For the rest of his life. He’s been pretty good since he got hit by a car back in June, but sometimes in the apartment complex parking lot, he has a bad habit of straying into the middle of the road between spots. Moose resolves to lose more weight. When we moved west in May, Moose weighed more than 100 pounds. His ideal weight is closer to 75. Slowly … Continue reading

Register Now for the Body For Life Challenge

Not only is the Body-for-Life Challenge the most flexible eating and exercise program I’ve found yet but it is also flexible when it comes to your entry in the challenge competition. Now remember, this is not a competition against other people. This is a competition with yourself. What matters at the end is how well you’ve transformed what you started with, not how you look against the others who are competing. There are four rounds in the 2008 Body-for-Life Challenge: If you want to compete in Round 1, you need to start no later than February 11, 2008 and finish … Continue reading