“A Christmas Carol”: Spectacle with Substance

The snowy cobblestone street is packed with vendors, stalls, patrons, and carriages. Shawl-wrapped women brandish roasted chestnuts in bundles of newspaper, crying, “A shilling a piece.” Men in black silk top-hats push their way through the crowds, eager to return to their business while children scamper from one end of the road to another, laughing and shrieking in play. As the road widens and the market fades to the distance, the sound of the children’s boots smacking on cobblestone slows, then halts. A lone, hunched, and gnarled figure hobbles across the street, causing the children to retreat as quickly and … Continue reading

The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D

There is nothing like a 3-D movie. I remember once going to a horrible documentary about the Titanic, simply because it was in 3-D. There is just something about putting on those glasses and going to a movie that appeals to me. That said, I thought “The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D” was a great movie. The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D is from the same director as the Spy Kids movies. I was personally a fan of the first, the plot line kind of started to diminish in the following two … Continue reading