Andy Rooney on Westminster

Last night on 60 Minutes Andy Rooney wrapped up the show like he always does with his thoughts on something. This time it happened to be about the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Like Aimee’s mom (and who knows how many other thousands of people), Mr. Rooney also attended Westminster. According to him, it’s one of his few yearly rituals. (Along with going to the Super Bowl and doctor visits.) I always get a kick out of his musings. I don’t always agree with his opinions. Sometimes I’m downright offended while other times I’m embarrassed for him. But last night … Continue reading

A World without Gorillas?

Back in September, for National Wildlife Day, I wrote about animals on my mind. Among them were the mountain gorillas in the Virunga National Park. They’re on my mind again today because last night on 60 Minutes Anderson Cooper did a report called “Gorillas: Kings of Congo.” The gorillas have never before been in as much danger as they are now. Yes, since I wrote about them just three months ago, their situation has gotten even worse. The rangers responsible for protecting the gorillas and the park have been completely driven out. The land where the gorillas roam has fallen … Continue reading

Andy Rooney: Victim of Fraudulent Emails

Andy Rooney has always been one to clearly state his opinion and he is doing that once again – saying that he never made the racist commentary attributed to him that is circulating around the Internet in an email. Yet he is cautious, not wanting to give the originators of these emails any more attention than they have already received. Rooney told AP that he hated to think that people believed he wrote the things said in those emails. The email is filled anti-minority statements such as “I have the right not to be tolerant of others because they are … Continue reading

Legendary TV Journalist Dies

Ed Bradley, a 25-year veteran of the CBS news magazine “60 Minutes,” has died. In an on-air announcement, “CBS Evening News” anchor Katie Couric said Bradley died yesterday from complications of leukemia. He was 65. It didn’t take long for many of Bradley’s co-workers to publicly speak out about the legendary journalist. His “60 Minutes” colleague, Mike Wallace, said on CBS News Radio that Bradley was “a reporter’s reporter.” While, the creator and former producer of “60 Minutes,” Don Hewitt, said Bradley was a reporter who got along with “people of every stripe.” According to his CBS biography, Bradley was … Continue reading